So, here are the rules! There will actually be two competitions, the junior competion rules are the same as these, when sending those entries please make sure to include the category you are in Adult or Junior. And yes, you must be under 18 to join the junior competition!
Up to 2 based Model or models for infantry.
2. Any Reaper produced CAV product. NO proxy's please.
3. Any Paint scheme is acceptable.
4. Stock and mofified models are acceptable as long as they are Reaper parts. This rule does not apply to bases, you may any base you wish to, any size any shape.
5. Unit does not need to be a cannon design.
The judging guidlines are as follows:
1.Color. Show us how well you blend, shade, drybrush, inkwash or whatever else you do to create a great paint job. 10 pts.
2. Attention to detail. How well did you accent the details of panel lines, missiles, gun barrels, access panels, cockpits, etc. 10 pts.
3. Overall appearance. Is this model a total pices from top to bottom. Is it based nicely? Is the paint job solid without bleadovers? Overall, is the piece complete? 5 pts.
There will be four judges, I will announce the rest, other than myself when I have confirmation from those I've asked...yes I am trying to get some special guest judges!
The top score possible is 25 per judge 100pts overall. We are not looking to discourage anyone, so point totals will not be made public unless requested to by the contestant. Start painting, have fun, and lets' see what you can come up with!
DEADLINE: Monday September 15th, (AN EXTENSION HAS BEEN ISSUED UNTIL OCTOBER 15th FOR ALL ENTRIES!) 11:59 p.m. US Central time! This date is to give everyone plenty of time given convention season, and those serving overseas that have expressed interest. So take your time and have a blast.
Please include both Reaper and WGF forum names, and personal shipping information so that I know where to send prizes! Send entries to
Please no more than 4 total images at 600x600 pixels.